2 kilometres (1.5 miles) of ramparts that surround the walled town, from the Saint-Vincent Gate to the Saint-Thomas Gate. I sailed 2 days with friends around the bay in september. Very nice.
@ Chantal : Happy to have shown you places where u spent good moments. I could send u others. @Niki : It is too much congratulations. I love what I do but I don't think to be so professional. I try to be poetical and to give some emotion to those who look at these pictures.
@llyn : la ville où j'ai passé beaucouimaginairp de vacances. J'y retourne souvent. @legabal : j'aiaimé en effet la courbe (curve) et cette impression de chemin sans fin.
I have been to St. Malo years ago..... thanks for shring this, gives me warm memories.
@ Chantal : Happy to have shown you places where u spent good moments. I could send u others.
@Niki : It is too much congratulations. I love what I do but I don't think to be so professional. I try to be poetical and to give some emotion to those who look at these pictures.
Cette curve c'est joyeux, l'ombre et la lumiere. Magnifique.
@llyn : la ville où j'ai passé beaucouimaginairp de vacances. J'y retourne souvent.
@legabal : j'aiaimé en effet la courbe (curve) et cette impression de chemin sans fin.
As beautiful as always.
Although I've never been there, St Malo always conjures up images of "les vacances". Maybe one day...
I love the curved wall against the blue of the sea. Ca me fait rever!
this is one of my favorite pictures that you have take. i love the snake line between the sail boats. the photo has four dimensions. awesome.
Thank you all for your kind words. I try to show beautiful and sensitive places. Not obliged to go very far.
That is huge! What is it? I like the curve, the blues, the shadow, and the boats.
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