Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Three choices, one possibility.

I do not know what to choose: Must I post this letter before phoning or playing a little money to the lotto game?

Three choices, one possibility.


Wild Tea Party said...

Hello imaginair.

Thanks for another great photograph.

I don't know if u've been to my picture blog but I updated recently.

ChickyBabe said...

What would Superman choose?

Tam! said...

yo prefiero la carta

Un beso

Y escribe

Imaginair' said...

@Ella : thank u; I "linked" you
@chicky : Superman blows on the three
@Inscripcion178 : Gracias Clo
@niki : I like lotto; that is the difference between game and gamble...

Chantal said...

Great shot and title.....

Yes, I am back from holiday, will drop by regularly again!