It was in May. Two days close to the channel of Briare. It is exactly a bridge-channel; it spans the Loire. Close to the channel, a shepherd with his sheep. I have a peaceful and beautiful memory of this moment.
@chantal : I apologize for the "too much" urban photos... Next : photos of the sea. @niki : I did'nt count the number of sheeps, but if I have some problems to sleep, I'll use your note and verify the exact number. I have an other photo where there are much more sheeps...
OH MY GOD, j'ai passé toute mon enfance à 1 kil. du canal de briare!!! et mes grands'parents ont une maison là-bas!! et mon oncle travaille aux grands moulins de paris! huhuh, trop bizarre de passer sur ce blog aujourd'hui :)
Great to see some rural shots from you.
@chantal : I apologize for the "too much" urban photos... Next : photos of the sea.
@niki : I did'nt count the number of sheeps, but if I have some problems to sleep, I'll use your note and verify the exact number.
I have an other photo where there are much more sheeps...
OH MY GOD, j'ai passé toute mon enfance à 1 kil. du canal de briare!!! et mes grands'parents ont une maison là-bas!! et mon oncle travaille aux grands moulins de paris! huhuh, trop bizarre de passer sur ce blog aujourd'hui :)
WOW, I have not seen such a scene except in stories! The raw beautiful nature.
what a delightful scene. the meadow is so lush no wonder the sheep look fat and healthy. these are very charming images.
Thank you all
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